A New Beginning

08 Jan 2022

Forget what happened in the past, and do not dwell on events from long ago. I am going to do something new. It is already happening. Don’t you recognize it?... (Isaiah 43:18-19, GW)  

God is a God of beginnings. We find this in the first verse of the Bible. The Earth was chaotic, dark, without form or life. God spoke! His light separated the darkness. The Earth was filled with life, and order replaced the chaos.

Adam and Eve’s role was to trust their creator. Then they could seize the new opportunities created for them. Unfortunately, they ended up doubting God and rebelling. This brought separation, conflict, pain, and death in its wake. The creation deteriorated; sin blighted its once pristine perfection. Therefore, a new beginning was needed. God promised the couple that a savior would come, who would deliver them from sin and its condemnation. This gave them that new beginning.

Later darkness and chaos again blanketed the Earth. The antediluvians fixed their hearts continually on evil. To cleanse the world, God sent the flood. It swept away the blight of misery and degradation. He established a new order through Noah and His family, who were delivered through their faith. They also were given a new beginning.

God’s people ended up in slavery and spiritual darkness in Egypt. But they cried out and the Lord miraculously delivered them, giving them a new start. They were taken to a new land, a land of promise. God’s presence was with them, symbolized by the glorious temple that was built in Jerusalem. But in time the people lost faith in God. This brought the mighty armies of Babylon to descend upon them, decimating the temple and Jerusalem. Out of despair, they cried unto God and He heard them. He would do “something new” for them. The temple would be rebuilt, as would the nation. In that temple, the Messiah would come. And He did! He came and died for the sin of the world. With that, mankind had a new beginning. We receive it when we put our faith in Christ.

We see therefore that God is a God of beginnings. Though trials come, though darkness and chaos will reign on Earth for a spell, we can have a full assurance that a new beginning will soon come. Christ will return for His people. There will be a new heaven and a new earth created, in which only righteousness will dwell. This new beginning will never end.

This is marvelous news! But what if you have veered from God and feel empty. What if you find yourself in darkness now? What if chaos is overwhelming your heart today? Remember, God is a God of beginnings. He brings light where there is darkness. He brings order where there is chaos. He brings abundance where there is emptiness. Look to Christ and He will do “something new” in your life. Why? Because this is who He is. This is what He loves to do.

Image used by permission of SermonView

Michael Falzarano
