The Need For Oil

03 Sep 2017

"Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps" (verses 3-4).

It is vital that we have oil in our vessels. Nothing distinguishes these foolish virgins from the wise, except their lack of oil. Oil is equated to the Holy Spirit and God’s word to a lamp (Zech. 4:1-14; Ps 119:105). But without the oil it is of none effect. The greatest scholar can dissect the Bible expertly, but without the Spirit its truth will remain hidden. No oil, no light!

As the Spirit inspired the Bible, the Spirit is needed to bring its truth into the vessel. We who believe in Christ are His vessels (2 Tim. 2:21). God is not concerned by the shape, age, gender or nationality of the vessel. His concern is getting oil into it in order to generate light!

Jesus tells us He is "the light of the world" (John 8:12). Yet we, the church, are "the light of the world" (Matt. 5:14). Both are true! But the church is only the light if Jesus is manifested in and through it. For that the oil is vital. These foolish virgins discovered that at the darkest hour. But it was too late. The oil cannot fill our vessels in a moment's notice. And it cannot be obtained from others, as the foolish ones discovered. This is because the oil is only obtained through an individual relationship with the oil giver. The extra oil is selfless love that only the Holy Spirit can supply. This is developed over time, through personal prayer, study, and experience. Faith comes from knowing God and knowing God comes from abiding with Christ.

The foolish could not enter the wedding banquet. The bridegroom emphatically declared he knew them not. He wanted to know them, because he wants an intimate relationship with all. But the foolish ones failed to know Him. Although they were believers in appearance and action, they weren't in relationship. The necessary oil was never acquired.

As we surrender our vessels to God daily, He will fill us! We will come to trust him and be intimately acquainted with Him. The flame of God’s word will burn away our selfish humanity and in the process His character will be revealed. Be a wise virgin, go before God in prayer and ask Him for the oil daily. Ask that the Spirit fill you. And even in the dark times, your light will brightly burn.

Used by permission of Lumo Project

Michael Falzarano
