The Prophetic Word

26 Oct 2021

For we did not follow cleverly devised tales when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of His majesty. (2 Peter 1:16, NASB)

A house must be built upon a firm and reliable foundation. As Christians, our foundation must be the certainty of God’s word. The apostle Peter amplifies this as he addresses the sure word of prophecy. How sure is the prophetic word? Why it is the most certain thing in the whole universe, for it comes from God. 

Peter illustrates why this is so. He had the prophetic word of the Old Testament. It spoke of the certainty of the coming Messiah. He believed it! Then it happened! The apostles saw the Messiah in the flesh, they touched him, lived with him, beheld his miracles, and heard his life-changing words. Peter writes that he, along with John and James, were eyewitnesses to Christ’s majesty. Jesus was transfigured before their sight, in tremendous glory. The Father spoke thunderously from the heavens affirming his Son. What did they see? Yes, Christ glorified before them. But they saw the future as well.  

Peter lived through the first coming of Christ. He beheld his ministry on earth; his death, resurrection, and ascension. On the Mount of Transfiguration, the living, prophetic word was flashed before him in a dazzling display. In this, he was given a glimpse of the Lord’s Second Coming when Jesus will return in divine majesty and splendour. The prophetic word of the First Coming of Christ was confirmed as it unfolded before him and the others, in real-time. Therefore, the Second Coming is rock solid, it is certain, as certain as was the First Coming. It will happen, there should be no doubt!

The apostles were eyewitnesses to this prophetic fulfilment. But we must take care to not rely on only what we see. For what we see may not align with the prophetic word. The apostles did not go merely by what they saw. Their lives were built on God’s word. But what they saw, confirmed what the word had foretold.

Peter, in light of his impending death, warns the saints to veer not from biblical truth. False teachers would come, with deceptive words working to knock them off their established foundation. Their teachings are derived from human invention or reasoning, not from divine utterances. But God’s word was written by holy men who were moved by the Holy Spirit (2 Peter 1:21). It is from the Spirit; therefore, it is absolute truth, certain, and fully trustworthy.

As prophecy has been fulfilled already, this guarantees that what has yet to be fulfilled will be fulfilled. It will happen! How do we know? “We have the prophetic word made more sure” (2 Peter 1:19). Do not build your spiritual house on anything else. For anything other will crumble, “But the word of the Lord endures forever” (1 Peter 1:25). Believe it! Trust it! Rely on it! And like Peter, you will behold the Lord’s glory.     

Image used by permission of SermonView


Michael Falzarano
