Stilling A Raging Sea

09 Oct 2017

"But He was in the stern, asleep on a pillow. And they awoke Him and said to Him, 'Teacher, do You not care that we are perishing?' Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, 'Peace, be still!' And the wind ceased and there was a great calm." (Mark 4:38,39, NKJV)

The disciples found themselves in the midst of a turbulent sea. The wind was fierce, tossing the boat about and filling it with water. Even the seasoned fishermen aboard felt they were soon to perish. They worked frantically to bail the water and keep the vessel from capsizing, but the storm was making a mockery of their efforts.

The incredible part is that Jesus was asleep in the stern. But how could He sleep through such a horrible ordeal? This is because faith in God brings a peace in the storms (Isaiah 26:3,4; Philippines 4:6,7). What a contrast to the disciples who were panicking and striving to save themselves. Where was their faith? Jesus was in the boat, meaning they had nothing to fear. They also forget that Jesus was the one who commanded them to cross the sea. They were in His will and He was in control of their voyage. The Bible speaks of troubled times ahead. The church will be greatly shaken and tossed by the winds and waves of the enemy. Forget not that Jesus is in the church. Fear not, Jesus will get His people to “their desired haven.” Psalm 107:27-30.

After exhausting their options, the disciples at last remember Jesus. They woke him with a desperate cry, “Do you not care that we are perishing?” What a disappointing question to the one who left Heaven’s security to save the perishing. Of course He cares, His whole ministry proclaimed it. The cross should dispel any doubt! The wind did not disquiet Jesus, nor did the crashing waves. The only thing that disturbed Jesus’ slumber was the disciples' frantic cry. The good news is that Jesus always hears the cry of His children. His word has power to calm any storm, whether in a sea or in a man or woman (Mark 5:15).

Though humans may ignore Jesus' words, the winds and waves obey His command. The sea is now calm, as calm as Jesus’ serenity during the storm. So will your heart be if you believe that Jesus is in the storm with you. Believe He cares for you, regardless of the circumstances that may be buffeting you. Believe His word, for in it is the power to still the heart.

Image used by permission of SermonView

Michael Falzarano
