Peace For Troubled Hearts

28 Dec 2018

"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me." John 14:1

Why were the apostles' hearts so troubled? The previous chapter, John 13, spells out the reasons. Their perplexities began when Jesus unexpectedly washed their feet the night before his death. Foot washing was an unpleasant and menial task, reserved for the lowliest of servants. Prior to this, the disciples had been arguing about who would be the greatest in Jesus' kingdom (Luke 22:24). Therefore, their master stooped low to reveal a key attribute of God's kingdom: Humility!

Jesus next declares that one of the twelve would betray Him. Imagine their dismay at such a disturbing revelation. But then another troubling declaration. Peter is told he will soon disown Him. The foot washing, the predication of betrayal and Peter’s denial was enough to agitate their hearts. Yet there was more. Jesus also declared that He was leaving them! They had left all to follow Him. They had placed all their hopes in Him. Was He now abandoning them?

Jesus’ prescription for their troubled hearts was to “believe in Him.” With it He gave two grand promises in John 14. One for the near term, the other for the long term. Yes, Jesus was leaving! He would sacrifice his life for the world. But He would also rise from the grave and ascend to the right hand of the Father. And He promised to return at the end of the age (John 14:2-3). The Second Advent of Christ is the blessed hope. It is then that Jesus will gather His children of faith and take them to His heavenly abode. “And thus we shall always be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

But what of the disciple’s immediate stituation, their here and now. Jesus would not leave them as orphans. He would send them the Holy Spirit after His ascension. Through the Spirit Jesus would be with His disciples (John 14:16-18). But He had to go away for this to happen. It was actually a good thing!

There may be times when we feel alone and helpless. We may feel that God doesn’t care or is far off. We may even feel He has abandoned us. Feelings are what they are. But feelings are not the guide for truth. Rather, God’s word is! And it assures us that our Saviour is always near at hand.

Ask for the Spirit daily! God is generous and longs to impart His precious gift to you (Luke 11:13). And through the Spirit you will be given peace. His peace calms the most restless storm. Trust that He is with you in the here and now! With this anchor of truth comes the other. Jesus is preparing a place for us in His kingdom and will soon return for us. Believe it! Be encouraged in this wonderful truth. Believe Him! And “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” (John 14:27).

Image used by permission of Sermon/View

Michael Falzarano
