A Fire In Our Hearts

09 Oct 2017

They said to one another, "Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?"  (Luke 24:32, NASB)

Two disciples of Jesus were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus on Sunday afternoon. They knew of Jesus’ mighty miracles and His heavenly teachings. However their faith, the ministry of Christ and the promises of God’s word now seemed hollow. Jesus had been horribly crucified and laid lifeless in a sealed tomb. Therefore they walked with barren hearts, their hopes had been horribly shattered on the rocks of discouragement.

That is until one in human flesh started to walk alongside them. Unbeknownst to these two, it was Christ, not dead in a shut up tomb, but fully alive and glorified. But Jesus did not reveal Himself; instead He fills their empty hearts with Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah’s death and resurrection. The same prophecies we can lay hold of if we are willing to dig into the Bible and invite Jesus to be our guide.

The two disciples arrived hours later at their home in Emmaus where they were confronted with a choice. Do they invite Jesus in or allow Him to go His way? The Words of Holy Script had moved them to yearn for more. Yet Jesus didn’t declare that He was the risen Christ. No! It was through the Word of God that they, and we, must apprehend the personage and power of Christ. And it is not enough to read about Jesus, we as they, must also invite Him in to dine with us. It is through the breaking of bread that His scars are known (Matt. 4:4). This is the wisest choice any can make, to invite Jesus into the dining chambers of their hearts. This is how we come to discern who He truly is.

The word burned in these two disciples’ hearts, made operatable through a personal fellowship with the living Word, Jesus. Their discouragement became a vanquished foe, replaced by hope, joy and assurance. Once it did, the flame burning within spread out to others, as they ran back to Jerusalem to tell them the good news. When received, the fire cannot be contained, it must be spread. Study God’s word daily and invite the Spirit in. Your hearts will burn within! And others will then be able to warm themselves by the blaze.

Image used by permission of lumo project

Michael Falzarano
