Mary and Us

14 Dec 2018

Mary said, "Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your word." And the angel departed from her. (Luke 1:38, NASB)

What do we have in common with Mary, the mother of Jesus? I doubt any of us had an encounter with the Angel Gabriel; or had shepherds summoned to our newborn baby’s side; or had Magi come to worship our child; or had a son who walked on water, cleansed lepers, restored sight to the blind, healed the sick and raised the dead. Mary did however. Her son lived a sinless life, was crucified, rose from the dead and then ascended into heaven. Mary’s life was extremely unique!

Nonetheless, we do have a spiritual parallel to Mary. The seed of God was conceived in her through the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:31-35). Likewise, the seed of God, His “living and enduring word” (1 Peter 1:23), is implanted in us through the Spirit when we put our faith in Christ. We are born from above and become a new creation as He comes to dwell in us. This is where it begins. But after conception there must be more, there must be growth.

The fetus in Mary took about nine months to mature. This was a process, day-by-day, hour-by-hour, and moment-by-moment, in which the Christ baby was developing within Mary’s womb. Jesus is also to be formed within the believer. Paul sought this for his wayward brethren at Galatia, “My children, with whom I am again in labor until Christ is formed in you” (Galatians 4:19).

God wants the character of His son to be developed in the Christian’s life. If there is no miscarriage or the process is not aborted, the Christian will be led to spiritual maturity. However, as Mary discovered, the journey is fraught with trials. She was willing to bear them all so God’s plan would come to fruition. Likewise, God will mature us if we keep our eyes on Christ. And in the end, we will be delivered!

The baby Jesus was delivered, though in a most unlikely place, in a lowly stable. It is in the lowly stable of the heart that God’s word matures us, as His character grows within. And God has promised us that there is a due date, a time when Jesus will return to deliver His church. It is then that our bodies will be transformed, but His character is to be developed in us now, as we grow in faith and draw ever closer to him. We can know, “that when He appears, we will be like Him” (1 John 3:2).

Like Mary we must allow Jesus to be conceived in us, allow His character to form in us, and at last be delivered by Him when He returns. It is all a process of faith. What was Mary’s response to God’s word? She said, “May it be done to me.” What do you say?

Image used by permission of SermonView


Michael Falzarano
