Clearing the Clutter

03 Feb 2019

Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves (Matthew 21:12, NKJV).

Clutter is a problem. It can accumulate in our homes, in our offices, in our vehicles and other areas, to such a degree that it becomes hard to find the thing we are looking for. Clutter gets in the way. This can happen spiritually as well. Things we grab hold of and bring into our lives can clutter our minds and hearts.

Jesus entered again into the Temple at Jerusalem, just four days before his death. He entered through the Huldah gate on its south side. He walked through a magnificent stoa, with 160 columns and would have entered into the Court of the Gentiles. But what does Jesus find within the opulence of the Temple? Clutter! Clutter due to the traffic of animals being sold for sacrifice and moneychangers doing their business. The clutter made it difficult to find God’s presence. So Jesus, the Messiah, bearing heaven’s authority, had to act. And He did. He dramatically cleared the clutter from the Temple by driving away, “all those who bought and sold in the temple”

What was the purpose of the Temple? Jesus quotes Isaiah 56:7, declaring it was to be a house of prayer, and that for all nations (Matthew 21:13). But it became a place of illicit profit. What was the purpose of the Temple? Jesus said, “It is written” (v. 13). It was to be a house where God’s word was proclaimed. What was the purpose of the Temple? It was to be a house for healing. After the corrupting influence was cleared away, we find the blind and lame coming for healing (v. 14). What was the purpose of the Temple? It was to be a house for praise. And it was the children who came forth to praise God (v. 16). What was the purpose of the Temple? The children sang Hosanna (v. 15). Hosanna means save now. The Temple was to be a house for salvation. What was the purpose of the Temple? It was to be a house where God’s presence dwelt. “Let them make Me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them” (Exodus 25:8). God’s glory filled the Temple in the Old Testament. As foretold, God would fill the Second Temple with His glory. And so He did, as the Son of God had entered it (Haggai 2:7; Matthew 21:12).

What are our churches for? They should be a place to find God’s word uplifted, a place where prayer and praises to God freely flows, a place of healing and salvation. The church is God’s Temple (1 Corinthians 3:16). Therefore, God’s people should be the place where God’s presence is seen. Whatever interferes with this is clutter and needs to be removed.

How is your personal relatinship with God? Is there anything interfering with it? Let go of the clutter! Let Jesus remove it from your life.

Image used by permission of SermonView

Michael Falzarano
