The Lord is a Warrior

09 Oct 2017


Now I saw heaven opened, and behold, wa white horse. And He who sat on him was called xFaithful and True, and yin righteousness He judges and makes war.  (Revelation 19:11)

In Revelation, Jesus’ divinity flashes forth. He is part of the Godhead (Revelation 1:4, 5) and John falls down before Him like a dead man (v. 17). In Revelation 5 we see Jesus installed as our high priest. As the lamb He was slain for the sins of the world, but we see Him alive, having ascended before the throne. He provided our atonement when He first came and will return as our king. Jesus is truly worthy of our worship (Revelation 5:9. 12).  

There is another aspect of Jesus that we don’t often consider. In Rev. 19:11 we see a rider on a white horse coming to wage a righteous war. Who is the rider? He is the Word of God (Revelation 19:13; John 1:1) and the King of Kings (Revelation 19:16; 17:14). It is clearly Jesus at His second coming. He came the first time riding on a donkey, a beast of burden, symbolising servanthood. But at the Second Coming He rides a white horse symbolising victory, as the white horse was rode in triumph after conquest.

Notice His robe is dipped in blood (Rev. 19:13). Whose blood is it? Three options: His blood, the blood of His saints, or that of His enemies. Which is it? Isaiah 63:1-3 nails it down: It is the blood of His enemies! His robe is flowing over the horse and as He rides through the winepress its bottom gets dipped in their blood (Revelation 19:15).  

Jesus will return not only as the King of kings, but also as our warrior. Why? According to Revelation the church will have its greatest persecution at the end of time. It will face certain destruction. Like the Exodus, God’s people will be boxed in, ready to perish before their enemies. But in the Exodus God swept open the Red Sea and delivered Israel and destroyed Pharaoh’s army. He will do similarly at the end of time! Jesus will return to deliver His bride, the church, and destroy those who are set to destroy her.  

Don’t you love the fact that God has a dramatic flare! It is like the old silent films where the hero saves the woman he loves, just in the nick of time, right before the train would run over her. Jesus will deliver His people likewise, in bold fashion.  

The Lord is a warrior, the Lord is his name (Exodus 15:3). Jesus is a warrior; Jesus is his name! He is our saviour, our lord, our high priest and king, and He is our warrior! He is our warrior not only in the last battle but in every battle that we face. Therefore, do not fear or labor to fight the battles yourself.  Rather, victory comes as you let Jesus fight them for you.  He will always win.  Surrender yourself struggles to Jesus. And don't lose faith!  

Image used by permission of SermonView


Michael Falzarano
