Why Choose Rob?

04 Oct 2020

Now this is the main point of the things we are saying: We have such a High Priest, who is seated at the right hand of the throne of the Majesty in the heavens. (Hebrews 8:1)

If you need an advocate and have a choice between Rob and Charles, whom will you choose?

Rob knows the law’s requirements but has limited abilities. He is also expensive. Worse yet, Rob’s methods are antiquated. He is a centenarian after all. He is not all that accessible either. And Rob has scant sympathy for the needy. On the other hand, Charles is an energetic attorney with a proven record of success. He has sympathy for the downtrodden, having suffered great need himself. With Charles you get full access, anytime of the day or night at no charge.

Why choose Rob? There were Jewish Christians in the first century who did just that. Due to hardships, persecution and discouragement they were abandoning their faith in Christ’s priesthood and retreating back to the earthly temple’s priesthood (Rob). The writer of Hebrews passionately urges them to change course and put their full assurance into Christ. His heavenly priesthood is far superior to the terrestrial system that was passing away.

The temple economy had severe limitations. The priests were sinners and prone to death. They offered animal sacrifices repetitively, which had no power to save or remove guilt. Nor was it their design to do so. Rather, such sacrifices pointed sinners to Christ’s ultimate sacrifice, which does atone for sin. After His death, resurrection and ascension to the throne, Jesus was installed as our advocate, our great high priest.

Therefore, the inspired writer vigorously urges these Jewish Christians, to put their faith in Christ, not in human efforts or earthly systems. God’s word vigorously urges us to do likewise. Jesus will advocate our cause, refuting all charges hurled against us by the enemy. He sympathises with our struggles as well, as He too struggled against the flesh and was triumphant. Through the Spirit, Jesus will thus impart His victorious life to us on a daily and ongoing basis. The great news is that we have access to the throne of grace anytime, as our high priest is always available and accessible. Ours is to fix our eyes fully upon Him, “the author and finisher of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2).

When the battles of the flesh pounce, yield not the ground Christ has already won. Why choose Rob? One might find a temporal comfort in familiar and repetitive religious forms, but they can never provide what the soul truly needs. Only Christ can! We have the perfect high priest in the courts of heaven interceding for us, empowering us and bringing assurance to our soul. And “He is also able to save us to the uttermost” (Hebrews 7:25). We have far better than Charles; we have Jesus! Entrust yourself to Him fully, no matter what! And take heart, He never loses a case.

Image used by permission of SermonView

Michael Falzarano
