Faithfulness Requires Sacrifice

09 Jan 2024

So, Daniel came out of the den alive because he believed in his God. (Daniel 6:23, NKJV)

Does faithfulness involve sacrifice? Sure! We see this in the sixth chapter of Daniel.  

Daniel was in his early eighties when the Medo-Persian empire conquered Babylon. Darius became king and set about forming a new government. Daniel showed great integrity, so the king appointed him above all the other officials. 

Some praise godliness when encountering it, but others feel threatened by it. That was the case of some leaders subservient to Daniel who feared their lack of integrity would be exposed. Therefore, they used Daniel's devotion to God against him. They ensured the king would decree against petitioning anyone but the king for 30 days. 

Regarding the duly established law of men, we should comply unless such law violates God's law. Daniel would have to breach at least the first commandment of the Decalogue to honor the king's decree. But he refuses to shut the windows of his prayer life. Daniel proceeds with his daily intercession of the living God. Such faithfulness brought man's wrath upon him.  

It will be so before Jesus' return. Incredible pressure will come upon the followers of Christ to violate God's law to escape economic peril and death. However, ‌true love demands faithfulness, and faithfulness requires a sacrificial heart.

Daniel had such a heart. He laid all on the line to stay faithful to God. It leads him to be amid hungry and ferocious lions. Yet, Daniel has peace! He rests his trust entirely in God, putting his life into His hands.

Once signed, the law of the Medes and Persians was unalterable, even by the king. Therefore, Darius exhausted all options to spare Daniel's life. Or did he? Was there one last thing he could have done to save Daniel? Something radical!

Might the king have taken Daniel's place in the lions' den? Think of that, for it is what our Savior did for us.   

Daniel was a type of the Messiah. He was faithful to God and without fault, as Christ was, who also faced a death decree. Similarly, God's law is unchangeable, as was the law of Medo-Persia. It demands the sinner's death if violated. But what King Darius thought not to do, Jesus did. He took our place in the lions' den, sacrificing himself to save us. 

Also, note that a vast stone sealed Daniel in the den. There was no human way of escape. But due to his faith and innocence, God raised him from the pit and death's grasp. Wasn't Jesus' tomb sealed with a vast stone as well? Yes, but the grave couldn't hold Him, for He was without any sin. Therefore, He rose alive with power and in triumph. 

The faith of Jesus is sacrificial! No matter what, Christ stayed faithful. God's people will exhibit such faith before He returns. Here are those "who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus" (Revelation 14:12).

How about you? 

Are you willing to follow Christ, even if it costs you much? After all, faithfulness does require sacrifice.  

Michael Falzarano
