Firmly Planted

19 Jul 2020

I pray that, according to the riches of his glory, he may grant that you may be strengthened in your inner being with power through his Spirit, and that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love. (Ephesians 3:16-17, NRSV)

Paul’s imprisonment would have caused the Ephesian Christians discouragement. If this mighty apostle of God ended up in such travail, what chance would they have? It is easy to be discouraged when we face the head winds of adversity. Paul understood this. So he prays that the Ephesians would be safely and immovably harbored in Christ. He prays they would be inwardly strengthened through the Spirit’s power. Why? So Christ might dwell in their hearts through faith. Wait! As Christians, didn’t the Spirit already indwell them?

One may “dwell” in a temporary place, an inn for example. A certain Greek word would denote that. But the Greek word Paul uses expresses a more permanent “dwelling,” such as one’s home. His prayer is that Christ would abide in their hearts permanently. He wants them to have an unwavering faith no matter what negative circumstances should befall them. For this to happen, their faith must be “rooted and grounded” in love. Deep roots make for a deep faith.

One may know the Bible and its prophecies cover to cover. One may know how to wax eloquently and grasp all mysteries. But as great as these may be, they will not forge a strong enough anchor. Comprehending the love of Christ will. In adverse times, we must know that we are cradled firmly in God’s arms. The conditions about us may be swirling, but we may know that God’s love is steadfast.

A ship was torn apart in a huge storm. The only survivor was a young lad who had been swept onto a large rock. He clung to that rock all night until he was rescued in the morning. A rescuer asked him if he trembled during his great ordeal. He replied that he did tremble, but the rock did not! Our feelings may get tossed to and fro by the battering waves of hostile circumstances, but Christ’s love is the rock we must firmly cling. No matter what comes our way, we must know that He loves us. And in due time will come for the rescue.

In the Amazon rainforest, trees store water underground in the rainy seasons due to their deep roots. Then, in the arid seasons, the trees endure by using the stored moisture to meet the need. So should we. In the peaceful times we need to store God’s blessings and promises deep within our hearts. We can then draw on them in difficult times.

Pray that you are deeply rooted in God’s love? And do grant Christ permanent residency in your heart.

Image used by permission of SermonView

Michael Falzarano
