The God Who Sees

07 Jun 2020

She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: "You are the God who sees me," for she said, "I have now seen the One who sees me."  (Genesis 16:13, NIV)

Conflict can be a terrible thing. Hagar experienced it. She was the bondservant of Sarai, the wife of Abram. God promised Abram a child in his old age, even though his wife was also old and barren. As the promise was yet fulfilled, Sarai gave Hagar to Abram to be a surrogate mother. This was NOT God’s plan, but nonetheless Abram acquiesced and a child was conceived. But the situation caused much angst, disturbing any domestic peace.

Perhaps Sarai thought her misfortune was caused by Abram’s impotency. If so, such an idea was laid to rest when Hagar conceived. Jealousy and conflict arose. Hagar became haughty, showing her mistress contempt. In turn, Sarai treated Hagar abusively. Due to the subsequent oppression Hagar fled the camp, finding herself on a dessert road. What would she do? How would she survive?

Hagar was pregnant, alone, helpless and rudderless. Imagine her despair! And where could she turn for much needed support and encouragement? Hagar, in miraculous fashion, discovers that there is no wilderness barren of God’s love and kindness. We see this expressed in the names we find in this story.

Hagar’s name means, “flight”. She did that very thing, fleeing her troubling situation. Yet God, via the Angel of the Lord, swooped to her side. He lets her know in utmost tenderness that He is with her. Although not free from reproof, Hagar is told she will bear a son who will be greatly blessed. Hagar is told to name the son, “Ishmael”. Why? “Because the LORD has heard your affliction.” Ishmael means, “God hears”. God hears! His ears are turned toward our feeble cries. There He is, in our bleak dessert experiences.

Hagar has an encounter with the living God and is amazed she has survived it. She declares Him to be El-Roi, meaning “the God who sees me.” It is far more than physical sight, for God sees her affliction, her uncertainty, her struggle and alienation. He sees with His heart; He cares! With great mercy God encourages Hagar, promising to provide for her and her son. Through her child would come a tremendous heritage.

Have you fled into a wilderness to avoid a conflict or a trial? Do you feel alone, not knowing your next move? Do you need encouragement and direction? The living God hears the utterances of your heart! He is the God who sees you. He comes to give you hope and purpose. See not the dessert, but see the God who sees you.

Michael Falzarano
