Make Disciples

29 Oct 2023

And finding some disciples, he said to them, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" (Acts 19:1-2). 

Being a passionate and committed disciple, Paul embraced Jesus' commission to "Go…and make disciples of all nations" (Matt. 28:19). Therefore, when he went to Ephesus, he found some disciples. It was no accident, for he was looking for them.

To make a disciple, we must first find someone we can nurture. Paul found 12 sincere men following the bible's truth that they knew. The apostle then assessed their situation.

Paul asks, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" Their answer said a lot, "We have not so much as heard whether there is a Holy Spirit."

They needed greater understanding and spiritual power. Therefore, Paul asks a follow-up question, "Into what then were you baptized?" He is enquiring about their conversion experience. "Into John's baptism," they replied.

John the Baptist's baptism concerned repentance and turning people to the Messiah. It was vital yet incomplete. Jesus had since died, rose, and ascended into heaven. On Pentecost, God poured out the Spirit to empower the believers for ministry.  

After discovering what they lacked, Paul supplied their need. He likely instructed them in biblical faith. Then he re-baptizes them into Christ, His death, burial, and resurrection. Additionally, Paul laid hands upon them. Why? For the baptism of fire, as well as water.

Some have bible knowledge and have been baptized but grow no further. They need the Spirit's empowerment, as did these men.

I understand that! When I longed to achieve more for God, I asked a pastor to lay hands on me for ministry. I was adamant I didn't want to be a pastor but rather to be engaged in lay ministry somehow. A few months after he laid his hands on me, God called me to pastor a church. How did that happen? The Spirit's empowerment. If we are willing to serve, God is ready to plug us into some area of ministry.

The fire is the Holy Spirit, who gave gifts to these Ephesians to do ministry. Paul then shows them how to do ministry. He took them into the synagogues where they could watch him "reason and persuade" others concerning "the things of the kingdom of God." He also modeled how to handle difficult ministerial situations.

Paul was expelled from the synagogues after three months due to the hostility of certain Jews. Yet he persevered and adapted his approach, using a hall conducive to teaching and preaching. These 12 disciples became exposed to Paul's evangelistic methods through these efforts. He would have gotten them involved in the ministry as well. To develop, we cannot be only spectators.

To disciple others, we first tell them! Next, we show them! Then, we involve them! When they have firm footing, we unleash them to do ministry. They, in turn, are to disciple others.

How effective was Paul's method? In just two years, all of Asia Minor heard God's word! Be a disciple of Christ who disciples others. To do so, you need power. Therefore, pray for the baptism of the Spirit.

Michael Falzarano
