The Wedding Garment

04 Aug 2019

But when the king came in to see the guests, he saw a man there who did not have on a wedding garment. So he said to him, 'Friend, how did you come in here without a wedding garment?' And he was speechless. (Matthew 22:11-12, NKJV)

A king arranged a wedding for his son. The wedding feast was integral to this and it was to be extravagant. At great personal expense the king had readied everything. All that was needed were guests to join in the celebration. So the king sent his servants to gather them. In coming, they would honour the king and be themselves blessed. However, to the king’s amazement the initial ones invited refused to come. They made “light” of the invitation; the wedding feast was not worthy of their time. They had other priorities.

And so it may be with you. Eternal life can be obscured by the everyday routines of life. But take note. God has arranged a banquet and all is ready. Jesus, God’s son, took on human flesh and became wedded to humanity. He wrought out salvation through His perfect life, sacrificial death and glorious resurrection. Everything is prepared. Through Christ, we are accepted into the family of God.

In the parable, those invited turned against the king and treated his servants horrifically. Yet the king did not give up. He sent his servants to the highways to invite both the good and bad. The Lord is longsuffering not wanting any to be lost (2 Peter 3:9). His invitation went to all. And many did accept it.

During the feast the king inspects these guests. One stands out like a sore thumb. He is not wearing the wedding garment, but his everyday clothes. The wedding garment represents a righteous character (Isaiah 61:10). However our natural garments are “as filthy rags” (Isaiah 64:5). Therefore, God invites us each to accept Jesus’ righteous life to be ours. This is what justifies us.

But there is more! We are to not only accept the invitation but are also to wear the provided garment. This is what sanctifies us, the putting on of Christ daily. By faith we are to daily receive the Holy Spirit’s power. In so doing, His fruit will give evidence of our connection to Christ (Galatians 5:22, 23). However, this man was speechless upon the king’s inquiry. He knew his deep wrong by refusing to wear the king’s provision. The results of which were dire. Though many accept the gospel invitation, not all of them accept its transformational power. They are self-sufficient and end up being none the better for it.

Jesus stands at the door of our hearts, seeking entrance (Revelation 3:20). Do allow him access! Recognise your need and by faith put on His righteous life daily. Rejoice in the salvation He has given you. Your praise for Him will become your eternal song. Upon inquiry, you will not be speechless.

Image used by permission of SermonView

Michael Falzarano
