Stop The Bleeding

09 Oct 2017 Michael Falzarano

"And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped." Luke 8:43-44 (NIV) 

Barriers faced this woman in her quest for healing. Doctors who did her no good depleted her funds (Mark 5:26). Her strength and hope were also depleted due to 12 years of haemorrhaging. Perhaps worse was the social stigma, for the Law of Moses pronounced her "unclean” (Lev. 15:25,26).  Most would have shunned her touch. Any physical contact would have meant contamination and the need for purification.  

Another barrier was the “pressing” crowd (Luke 8:42). The same Greek word for “pressing” is translated as "choked" in Luke 8:7, speaking of the thorns choking out the seed. The crowds choked out this woman's direct access to Jesus, as does the crowds in our day. Yet faith fixes its eyes on Jesus, not on the obstacles. Propelled by faith, she went through every barrier.  

To the puzzlement of His listeners Jesus asked, “Who touched me,” as many had pressed against Him. But the woman’s touch was deliberate and genuine, not random as others. With concealed presence she stooped low and touched Jesus’ hem. On the garment’s corners were tied tassels with a blue cord (Num. 15:38,39), signifying obedience to the law. What a picture of the divine exchange! Her contact defiled Jesus according to the law, but his contact brought her His perfect obedience. His righteousness! Jesus took our sin and in exchange we receive his purity (2 Cor. 5:21). She is given a new life. The bleeding stopped!  

It is important to note that Jesus was heading to Jerusalem (Luke 9:51), to the cross. Why? To bleed! His blood would be shed for this woman. He would take her sin, guilt and punishment. This is true of all, as Jesus bled and died for all. And like this woman we can lay hold of Jesus and all that He offers. We need only reach out and touch Him by faith. His life and power will save and heal us.  

Are you bleeding? You may be bleeding physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, relationally or spiritually. Regardless of the cause, touching Jesus by faith is the answer. Let no barrier or excuse impede you.  Reach out today and touch your Saviour.  He will give you a new life. Only He can stop the bleeding.

Image used by permission of SermonView

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