He Himself Is Our Peace

02 Jun 2017 Michael Falzarano

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. (John 16:33)  

An Anzac memorial service that I attended a number of years ago, in New Zealand, really stood out. There was a well ordered parade, which was followed by a service at a park. All of which commenced prior to the morning’s light erasing the night’s dimness. The ceremony was captivating. The darkness being broken by the glow of red lights shinning upon a multitude of poppies and a cross. Soldiers stood in statuesque form, as a choir’s voice permeated the still air with songs of hope.  

A message of remembrance also pierced through the sombreness, a tribute by a military chaplain for those fallen in Gallipoli and in other battles. The chaplain’s address was well suited for the occasion. And best of all was his prayer, in particular when he prayed for peace, in spite of the remembrance of awful conflicts and wars. He prayed nobly for world peace, for the peace of the country, and for the peace we should have with one another. But the salient punctuation of his prayer was for God’s peace!

How true this is. Without God’s peace abiding in our hearts, there can be no true or lasting peace. We can try to run, hide and evade conflict, but it will not result in inner peace. This is due to the conflict rising from within the human heart, due to our sinful nature. Such is the core to all other conflicts (James 4:1). However, the good news is that there is remedy. For, “Having made peace through the blood of His cross… we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ” (Col. 1:20; Rom. 5:1).

God promises us that there will be a time in the future when there will be no conflicts or wars. Peace will pervade this Earth when made new and never again shall the lack of peace disturb it. This will happen after Jesus’ return and when his kingdom is forever established. But we need not wait for that. We can experience lasting peace right now. The peace the world offers is at best superficial and temporal. But God’s peace is deep, satisfying and eternal.

This is because it comes from above and is anchored firmly within the soul. It goes so deep that no agitation or disturbance can penetrate it’s boundaries. God’s peace stills the nerves, even if we should be buffeted by the winds of strife and turmoil.

How do we obtain it? There is only one way! We must put our faith in Christ and His redemptive ministry for us. We must lay down our weapons and let Him be the victor of our soul. We must give Him our troubled hearts and in turn receive His abiding rest. Receive it! Embrace it! How? By receiving and embracing Jesus daily. “For He Himself is our peace” (Eph. 2:14).

Image used by permission of SermonView

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