Carrying Those In Need

15 Sep 2019

Then they came to Him, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men. And when they could not come near Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying. (Mark 2:3-4, NKJV)

True friends give their support in the time of need. This paralytic was in dire need. His condition was impossible to overcome. He was physically paralysed and no doctor could afford him help. Atop of his physical need laid a great spiritual need. He therefore sought not only liberation of body, but also of mind and soul. Yet, he was immobilised by guilt and sin.

This paralytic’s only hope was Jesus. But how could he get to Jesus in his state of paralysis? He was confined to his bed! His four friends provided the answer. They would lift him; they would carry him and his burdens; and they would bring him to the feet of Jesus. Only Jesus could heal him, but they would be the vehicles used to transport their friend to Jesus. Their love for their crippled friend was obvious, as was their strong faith in Christ.

Jesus was teaching in a home in Capernaum, most likely Peter’s home (Mark 1:29). The house was full with those seeking to hear Him, even blocking the entrance. This proved to be a huge obstacle for them and their heavy load. However, they were determined to fully support their friend. So they came from above, having made a hole in the roof. Through this they lowered him, bed and all, to Jesus’ feet. This took effort and care. But it was the least they could do and it was the best they could do. They proceeded without complaint.

Jesus first addressed the crippled man’s greatest need. He extended to him divine forgiveness, thus freeing him from his shackle of guilt (Mark 2:5). To show He bore divine authority to do so, He next told him to “rise” and “walk” (verses 9-11). The paralytic responded to Jesus’ command. He was now restored both physically and spiritually. It was the power of God that healed him. But what if he didn’t have four faithful friends?

True friends give their support in the time of need. There are those we may know who are shackled by guilt or trauma. They are so immobilised they cannot on their own accord come to Jesus, even if they desire to do so. They need assistance from faithful Christian friends who can carried them. No obstacle should hinder or dissuade from such an important duty. As Christians we are to aid those in need in practical ways and encourage them with God’s promises. Our ultimate goal is to bring them to the feet of Jesus. Persistant prayer is our best vehicle to do this. It is the least we should do and it is the best we can do.

Image used by permission of LumoProject

Michael Falzarano
